Softlogic Information Technologies

Seylan Bank PLC


Seylan Bank PLC is a Public Limited Liability company incorporated in Sri Lanka in 1987. The bank focuses on conventional commercial banking and operates from its Head Office in Colombo through its island wide network of branches.  As a bank that prides itself on producing many “industry firsts”, Seylan Bank has a strong and bold IT strategy and takes pride in being the first to adapt some of the latest technologies to deliver real value to their customers.

Business Challenge

The existing server/storage hardware was reaching End of Support whilst it was not able to scale. Due to a rapid expansion, the bank required robust and scalable ICT hardware and a simplified operational infrastructure to manage a mission critical environment. The bank also wanted to implement a DR site for all the applications in the bank for business continuity and to acquire scalable, resilient and cost-effective hardware solution.


SDS (Software Defined Storage/HCI) Hyper-converged infrastructure with VMware vSAN & VSOM. Fully replicated identical DR site. In order to run mission critical banking applications on high available clustered environment, Softlogic had proposed and implemented hyper converged infrastructure with Dell EMC PowerEdge ready nodes and VMware software stack for HCI. All applications are replicated to the DR Site with VEEAM replication suite whilst ensuring node level redundancy in both sites to provide high availability of service with no single point of hardware failure.


  • The proposed hardware was a high performance, highly scalable infrastructure.

  • Single pane of management for compute, storage & other functions was introduced.
  • The solution provides flexibility to manage the entire hardware seamlessly whilst the solution facilitates hardware agnostic approach for future expansions.